A poetic offering from a happy client…

In the realm of passion's embrace…

In the realm of passion's embrace,

A courtesan with grace and pace,

Silky skin, a beauty rare,

A healer of souls, beyond compare.

With every touch, a sacred art,

She mends the wounds within my heart,

Her presence, a balm to my weary soul,

A lover's touch that makes me whole.

Tall and shapely, a vision divine,

Her essence, like a sacred wine,

She dances with grace, a sensual sight,

Igniting flames, both day and night.

In her embrace, I find release,

A union of spirits, a moment of peace,

Her touch, a language, unspoken and true,

A courtesan's gift, a love that's anew.

So let us celebrate this union divine,

A courtesan's love, forever entwined,

For in her presence, I find my healing,

A spiritual journey, with passion revealing.

-courtesy of a friend